Saturday, October 31, 2009


Zuchini Curry

Zucchini-2 medium sized pieces
Raw rice-2 tbsp
Grated Coconut-2 tbsp
Green chilly- 3 chopped
Sprig of curry leaves
Coconut milk-1 cup
Fenugreek seeds-1/2 tspn
Turmeric powder-1/2 tspn
Chilli powder-1/2 tspn
Garlic pods-2 chopped
Tamarind paste-1 tbsp
Oil-1 tbsp


Roast the rice and coconut in a pan till golden brown. Keep it aside.Cut the zucchini into half disc about1/4 inches thick. Now heat the oil in a pan fry the onions,garlic, curry leaves, fenugreek seeds, tumeric powder,chilli powder green chillies and fry for few minutes. Now add zucchini and fry for a couple of minutes. Add salt to it.

Add a cup of water and the tamarind paste. Cover and cook for few minutes. Now grind the roasted rice, coconut mixture into a powder. Dissolve the powder in the coconut milk and add to the zucchini. Let it cook for 2 minutes.

Serve hot with rice.



Corn Masala

Sweet Corn-2 cups
Ginger and garlic paste-1 tspn
Chilli powder-1 tspn
Tomato sauce-1/2 cup
Sugar-1 tspn
Butter-2 tbsp
Fresh cream-optional (as desired)


Boil the corn by adding salt. In a pan, add butter, ginger garlic paste, onion and saute it till the onion gets fried , then add chilli powder, tomato sauce, sugar and let it cook for 2 minutes. Now add the corn and salt, let it boil for some time. Garnish by adding fresh cream.

Serve hot with bread slices toasted with butter.

Thursday, October 29, 2009




Oats - 1 cup
Moong dal-1/4 cup
Fenugreek-2 tspn

Green chilly-2
Vegetable mixture- 1/2 cup(carrot,beans,peas)
Coconut milk-2 cups
Cinnamon-1 small piece
Salt-as required
Kasuri methi or parsley- as desired(optional)

Make a loose mixture of oats by adding water and place it aside.soak the fenugreek in water overnight or for half an hour.Dry fry the moong dal in a pressure cooker for 3 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes, onion, vegetable mixture, green chilly,cinnamon, cloves.fenugreek and add water. Pressure cook it for 2 whistles.
Once the pressure gets released, place the cooker on the stove. Add the oats mixture to the boiled mixture in the cooker. Let it get boiled for 5 minutes. After that add coconut milk and let it boil for some time, if u feel the porridge is very thick u can add some water to it. At last add kasuri methi or parsley to garnish it and serve hot. Good to have as a breakfast as it gives a complete filling.


Paneer Capsicum Masala


Milk Vegetable Soup
Chopped vegetable Mixture-1/2 cup
Milk-2 cup
Garlic pods-4
All purpose flour-3 tspn
Butter-1 tbsp
Pepper Powder- as required
Salt-as required
Boil the vegetables in the cooker for one whistle. Melt some butter in a pan, and add the chopped garlic, onion and then add maida. After frying it for some time, add milk little by little without forming any clumps. Add salt and boil tat for 5 minutes, later add the boiled vegetables and let it cook for another 2 minutes. Serve hot by adding pepper powder.


Radish Chops
Radish chops.... Sounds different?? U can even say it radish pakoda. A yummy radish pakoda as tea time snack, hmmmmmmmmmmm lovely...... or it goes well with sambar sadam,rasam etc. One gud news is radish helps to reduce overweight and helps to dissolve gall stones.
Radish-1/4 kg
Channa dal-1/2 cup
Dry red chilly-10
Saunf-1 tspn
Chopped coriander leaves-2 tspn
Garlic pods-6
Salt-1 tspn
Oil-as required
Shred the radish and squeeze it well. Soak the channa dal for few minutes and grind it with dry red chillies,saunf,garlic pods,shallots and make a rough mixture. Now add the shredded radish to the mixture and add chopped coriander leaves. Take some mixture, press it with hand and drop it into oil. Take it out when they turn slightly golden brown. Crispy radish chops is ready.

Soyachunks/Meal maker kola urundai



Mealmaker/soya chunks-200 gm
Roasted gram(pottukadalai)-2 tspn
Coriander leaves(finely chopped)-2 tbsp
Curry leaves- as desired
Green chilly-1
Corn flour-1 tspn
Rice flour-2 tspn
salt-as required
oil-as required

To Grind

Green chilly-2
Ginger-1" piece
Garlic pods-5
Saunf-1/2 tspn


Boil water in a pan and add soya chunks to it. Let the soya chunks get cooked. Filter the chunks once it gets cooked and wash off twice again with cool water. Powder the roasted grams. Chop the onions, chilli, and curry leaves.

Grind the ingredients given under "to grind" into a thick paste without adding much water. Grind all the soya chunks and keep it aside. Now mix all the ingredients together, make small round kolas and fry in oil. Soya kola urundai is ready to serve with tomato sauce.

Paneer Pulav


Today while I was juz trying to post this dish for u all, I remembered a news article which I read a couple of months back in The Hindu Businessline. The news was actually a gr8 shock to me as I am a person who loves those delicious palak and paneer. The news article went this way.......

Palak paneer is a northern delicacy that tickles the palates of people across India. But dieticians say tha while it may be a lip smacking dish, it can harm one's digestion,because while spinach is rich in iron, paneer is rich in calcium and the two dont really jell, resulting in the failure in the absorption by the body.... Interesting?????

Panner Pulav

Basmati rice-2 cups
Paneer-200 gm
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Green chilly-2
Red chilly powder-1/2 tspn
Lime juice-2 tbsp

For tempering
Ghee-2 tbsp
Oil-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1 tspn


Wash and soak the basmati rice in 3 cups of water. Chop the onions lengthwise, chop the tomatoes finely. cut the panner into medium pieces. In a cooker heat the oil and ghee and add the ingredients given "for tempering". Add onions, turmeric powder,chillies and saute it.

After that add the ginger garlic paste , paneer and saute till the raw smell goes off. Add the tomatoes, chilli powder, lemon juice and saute it for 5 minutes. Now add the soaked rice along with the water, add salt and close the cooker. After one whistle simmer it and switch off the stove after 5 minutes. Open the cooker once the pressure gets released. Delicious yummy panner pulav is now ready to serve.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



Potato!!!!!!! No wonder everyone likes potato. Different kind of potato recipes and different kind of treat to our taste buds. Before moving on to the recipe DUM ALOO, let me juz share with u good old things about potatoes.

  • A single serving of potato will provide a person with 40% daily value needed of vitamin C.
  • Potato also gives 20% of the potassium needed for your body each day.
  • Potatoes are the second only to milk as the most consumed food in America.
  • Treat facial blemishes by washing your face with cool potato juice daily.

More facts ......... but let me move on to the recipe.


Potato-4(medium size)
Curd- 2 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste-1 tbsp
Turmeric powder-1/4 tspn
Oil-as required
Salt- as desired

To dry grind
Dry red chillies-6
Coriander seeds-2 tspn
Cumin seeds-1 tspn


Boil the potatoes, peel off the skin and cut into medium sized pieces. Heat the oil in a pan, make a deep fry of all the pototoes. Without adding oil fry all the given ingredients given under "to grind" and then grind it. Chop the tomatoes and onion into fine pieces.

Now add 3 tbsp of oil, add onion and saute it. Add ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder and fry well. As the raw smell goes off add the fried potatoes followed by the grinded powder, tomato, salt and at last curd. Mix all the ingredients well and let it cook for some 10 minutes until u get the desired consistency.

U can also add amchur powder if u r not intrested in adding tomatoes.

Channa /chickpeas Masala


The part played my channa masala in my life is something cant be expressed.... Very odd to hear it right?? I love channa masala to that extent. This recipe is actually from my mom who is a gr8 cook of all south indian and north indian recipes. In the days to come u can all view a lot of recipes with a combination of different cultures. And now lets start with the process of making channa masala.

Channa/chickpeas-1 cup
Tamarind paste- 1 tbsp
Potato(optional)- 1
Jaggery powder-2 tbsp
Green chilly-2
Tomato-3(grinded to a paste)
Bay leaf-1
Oil-2 tbsp
Salt- as desired

To grind
Ginger-1" piece
Garlic pods-4
Dried red chillies-6
Coriander seeds-1 tbsp
Cumin seeds-1/2 tspn


Soak channa for 7 hrs in water. Pressure cook the channa and potato by adding salt. After boiling the potatoes peel off the skin and make small pieces out of it. Chop the onions and green chillies. . Grind the products which are given as "to grind" above.

Heat the oil in the pan add bay leaf, green chilly and then add the onions and saute it well. Now add the grinded paste and saute it till the raw smell goes off. Add the tomato paste, tamarind paste,jaggery powder, and salt. After 5 minutes add the boiled channa and potato. Let it get cooked for another 5 minutes. Now u could see the oil ooozing out from the channa masala, mix it off well and the channa masala is ready to serve roti/naan


Take care while adding salt as we ve already added some salt while pressure cooking channa and potato.
To make it more tastier u could also add kasuri methi at the end as it gives nice flavour to the dish.

Comments are always welcome!!!!!!!!!

First day

Hi all...... My first post!!!!!!!! Am actually excited creating my own blog and posting out things which I know, experience and cherish. Love to share with u all my recipes which I was juz taught by mom, my MIL and also some of my own recipes which I try out. All the recipes which are gonna be posted here are tried and tasted by me and my family. My sweet heart.... My hubby loves me cooking different recipes,and so everyday of cooking is a complete joy to me. Hope all the fellow bloggers would support this amateur who is into blogging. Cheers!!!!!!!