Friday, November 13, 2009


Dal Dosa


Rice-1 Cup
Channa Dal-1/3 cup
Urad Dal-1/3 cup
Tuvar Dal-1/3 cup
Moong Dal-1/3 cup
Fennel seeds-1 tspn
Garlic pods-5
Onions-2 (medium sized)
Cumin seeds-1 tspn
Chilli powder- 1 1/2 tspn
Turmeric powder- a pinch
Salt-as required
Oil-as required


Mix rice, channa dal, urad dal, tuvar dal,moong dal in a large vessel.Soak in water for about 2 hours. Grind the soaked mixture coarsely with garlic pods,fennel seeds and salt.

Chop the onions finely. Add the onions, chilli powder, turmeric powder, cumin seeds to the mixture and make dosa batter consistency. U can also add grated coconut to it.

Heat the tawa pour some batter and spread in circular motion. Spread one spoon of oil around the dosa and cook on both sides till golden brown. Serve hot.


  1. Perfect and yummy looking adai!! ur version sounds time will try this.:)

  2. Very Healthy and looks delicious. My MIL taught me to make adais. They are great. I like your Variation with the Garlic and fennel seeds.

    Its my first time here...will check in from time to time.

  3. First time here...Adai looks perfect and delicious. Following uuuuu.

  4. This is called unbelievable!!!!!
    Anyhow, happy to see all those recipies...
    Ve a happy life.. May God bless u always...
